Business Without Border


Business Without Border

In the early stage of the internet, just having a website was enough to give your business global presence. But today, it is not just enough to have a website. It is necessary to be able to translate your website content to the language of the locals in the countries you are targeting. It is also necessary to have a physical address in the country that you are targeting with human receptionist, postal mail, fax and local phone number.

Today you can achieve all these things without leaving your country. We can provide you with real physical addresses, real human receptionist, phone numbers and fax number in the country you are targeting. We can assist you get a physical address, register your business with authorities in the target country and get physical mail forwarding services through our global partner network. NB: KYC is necessary for some of these services and it is strictly for legit businesses only. At least your business must be registered in the country where you reside.

What are you currently waiting for? Contact us today to get started

Value Added Services

List of Our VAS

The followings are the List of Appzella value added services


Sleetek is where we build customized hardware for each businesses. We have various hardware for each businesses which works together with your current database and takes your business automation to a more advance level. Every active Appzella clients have coupon code to buy hardware at

Visit Sleetek Website

A marketing software that enables clients run digital marketings, SEO audit, etc on the business website created by AppZella. This is a value added services added you get for free when you have an active Appzella account.

Visit Marketico Website
Biz Without Border

Give your business a global presence with our Business Without Border service. We can help to translate your content in other languages for locals in a specific country. Help register your business and get physical business addresses via our partners network. You get human receptionist and local phone numbers to answer phone calls in those countries of your choice

Coming soon