Features Of Appzella

Features Of Appzella

Reasons Why your business needs Appzella

The followings are the reasons why your business will need Appzella

More Details

Instant deployment

You no longer need to wait a long time to get your business online. All you need to do is select the desired templates and buy a domain name for your business. Your business is online almost instantly for our cloud solution or as soon as you receive our Sleetek Smart Server and you connects it to the internet.

Multiple Device

Appzella has different apps for different device such as web, mobile apps, desktop applications and customized hardware all being managed from a single database. The centralised database helps to make business easy. We can also customize its database to de-centralized depending on your needs

Instant Updates

Provided you have an active account, your Appzella is updated to new version whenever new version of your template is avalable The update is automated unless you disables it

Free Support

Unlike other businesses where you pay specially to manage your server, Appzella is usually managed remotely by our IT team. So you save money and do not need to hire IT team to manage your server

Smartfone Integration

Our smartfone integration makes it possible for you to receive free calls from your clients You can also purchase a virtual phone number to allow clients without smartfone to call you. Smartfone users can call you using customized calling app designed with your own logo and business name.

Marketico Support

We do not stop in the development of your application, we also assist your business grow by reprogramming your application to follow the suggestion by marketico site auditor

Control Panel

Manage your Sleetek Smart Server with our free EasiWebPanel Control Panel. This helps you creae emails. and run various settings or you manage your site via your appzella dashboard

Other Services

Your appzella website has inbuilt accounting, integration of logistics (Red star, DHL services, etc), and payment systems (Paystack, Flutterwave, PayPal, etc). If the services you required are not yet included, you can contact us to include them. Which we will do in the next version

Value Added Services

List of Our VAS

The followings are the List of Appzella value added services


Sleetek is where we build customized hardware for each businesses. We have various hardware for each businesses which works together with your current database and takes your business automation to a more advance level. Every active Appzella clients have coupon code to buy hardware at sleetek.com.ng

Visit Sleetek Website

A marketing software that enables clients run digital marketings, SEO audit, etc on the business website created by AppZella. This is a value added services added you get for free when you have an active Appzella account.

Visit Marketico Website
Biz Without Border

Give your business a global presence with our Business Without Border service. We can help to translate your content in other languages for locals in a specific country. Help register your business and get physical business addresses via our partners network. You get human receptionist and local phone numbers to answer phone calls in those countries of your choice

Coming soon